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Monday, December 31, 2012

SharePoint Document Library C# - Retrieve Document Version Details

In this article, I am going show how to read the document version details from SharePoint document.

Create data table for version History

        void CreateVersionHistoryTable()
                dtVersionCollection = new DataTable();
                dtVersionCollection.Columns.Add("VersionId", typeof(string));
                dtVersionCollection.Columns.Add("VersionLabel", typeof(string));
                dtVersionCollection.Columns.Add("CreatedBy", typeof(string));
                dtVersionCollection.Columns.Add("Created", typeof(string));
                dtVersionCollection.Columns.Add("ModifiedBy", typeof(string));
                dtVersionCollection.Columns.Add("Modified", typeof(string));
            catch (Exception)

Read document version details

void GetAllVersion()
               SPSite Site = new SPSite(URL);
                using (SPWeb web = Site.OpenWeb())
                    SPList list = web.Lists[DocLibraryName];
                    SPListItem item = list.GetItemById(DocumentID);
                    SPListItemVersionCollection  Fileversioncollection = item.Versions;
                    foreach (SPListItemVersion version in Fileversioncollection)
                        DataRow dr = dtVersionCollection.NewRow();
                        dr["VersionId"] = version.VersionId;
                        dr["Created"] = version.Created;
                        dr["Modified"] = version["Modified"];
                        dr["VersionLabel"] = version.VersionLabel;
                            SPFieldUserValue userValue = new SPFieldUserValue(web, version.CreatedBy.ToString());
                            SPUser userObject = userValue.User;
                            dr["CreatedBy"] = userObject;
                        catch (Exception)
                        {    }
                            SPFieldUserValue userValue = new SPFieldUserValue(web, version["Modified By"].ToString());
                            SPUser userObject = userValue.User;
                                dr["ModifiedBy"] = userObject;
                        catch (Exception)
                        { }
            catch (Exception)

Friday, December 21, 2012

SharePoint Document Library C# - Delete Document

Let’s see how we can delete document from SharePoint document library.
Here is the sample code;
private void DeleteDocument()
                            DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(" Are you sure want to send the item to the site Recycle Bin?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                            if (dr == DialogResult.Yes)
                                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                                int DocID = DocumentID;
                                string DocLib = DocLibrary Name;
                                SPSite Site = new SPSite(URL);
                                using (SPWeb web = Site.OpenWeb())
                                    SPList Selectedlist = web.Lists[DocLib];
                                    SPListItem item = Selectedlist.GetItemById(DocID);
                                    MessageBox.Show("Document has successfully Recycled", "Message");
                                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Message");

Thursday, December 20, 2012

SharePoint Document Library C# - Upload/Download Document

In this article, I am going show how to Upload/Download document through code to a SharePoint document library. I am going to use SharePoint object model and refer the this A1, A2 articles for more information.Here is the sample code;

Upload Document

private void UploadDocument()
                            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                            string currentLibName = LibraryName;
                            string SelectedfilePath = FilePath;
                            bool overWrite = ISOverWrite;
                            SPSite Site = new SPSite(URL);
                            using (SPWeb web = Site.OpenWeb())
                                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(SelectedfilePath))
                                    throw new FileNotFoundException("File not found.", SelectedfilePath);
                                SPFolder libFolder = web.Folders[currentLibName];
                                // Prepare to upload
                                string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(SelectedfilePath);
                                FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(SelectedfilePath);

                                //Check the existing File out if the Library Requires CheckOut
                                if (libFolder.RequiresCheckout)
                                        SPFile fileOld = libFolder.Files[fileName];
                                    catch { }
                                // Upload document
                                SPFile spfile = libFolder.Files.Add(fileName, fileStream, overWrite);
                                MessageBox.Show("File has successfully uploaded.", "Message");
                                catch (Exception) { }
                            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Message");
                        return; ;

Download Document

void DownloadDocument()
                            SPSite Site = new SPSite(URL);
                            string filePath = filePath;
                            string DocLib = LibraryName;
                            int docID = DocumentID;
                            using (SPWeb web = Site.OpenWeb())
                                SPList Selectedlist = web.Lists[DocLib];
                                SPListItem item = Selectedlist.GetItemById(docID);
                                byte[] binfile = item.File.OpenBinary();
                                FileStream fstream = new FileStream(filePath + "\\" + item.File.Name,
                                FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                                fstream.Write(binfile, 0, binfile.Length);
                                MessageBox.Show("Document has successfully saved.", "Message");

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Message");
